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Stephen Covey's Time Management Matrix

"The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People" by Stephen Covey is an important book in my recommended reads section, as it layed the groundwork for developing the principles that guide my life and helps direct time and effort whenever I'm being pulled in many directions.

My first impression of the "Time Management Matrix" was that it was too structured and simplistic to deal with the paradoxes and dilemmas that life creates. However, upon revisiting the matrix, I've realized that its effectiveness is related to the user's self-awareness and understanding of what principles guide their beliefs. Through years of hard reflection, Stephen Covey's true message can really unfold: Not everything that is urgent is important, while very important things may not be urgent at the time.


Taken from:

The challenge will be to get to a point where your time is spent mostly in Quadrant II, easily able to manage Quadrant I crises as they come up.

Where do you spend your time? Are you like the vast majority of us, including myself, who are scattered, living in the Quadrant III world and look to Quadrant IV to stay busy and try to escape on the weekends?

We often address issues based on their urgency and timeline. The first question should be, "Is this task or activity important?"

Quadrant III is always calling - there is always work to be done, people that want your time, and activities to partake in.

Quadrant IV is a rabbit hole that can you get stuck in - YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, parties and busywork that we invent for ourselves.

Quadrant II by default doesn't get our attention, as we get stuck in urgent situations and hide away in Quadrant IV the rest of the time.

Take some time to plan, get your health on track, build your relationships, clarify your goals, and work towards your passions.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi

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