Victoria Bucket List
I am proud to call Victoria, British Columbia my home. It is a place which inspires movement and exploration, where the great ocean and the temperate rainforest provide nourishment and diversity.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of visiting Bristol, UK and was provided with a bucket list of various activities that I could check off as part of my visit. Here's the link to the list.
I decided to create my own bucket list to honour my home town. Inspired by the Bristol Bucket List, I created a list that was
a. affordable and accessible
b. not requiring of a tour guide
c. within city limits
d. locally flavoured
There are many other things that one might do while visiting Victoria and even more to explore if you have a car or other means of transportation. This list will merely give you a start and flavour of what it feels like to live here and enjoy the relaxed, south island vibes.
I am posting it to Movement Mindset as a blog as I want to share my list publicly and inspire further discussion on what you like to do in your home town. Enjoy!
Pet the goats at Beacon Hill Petting Zoo
Watch the Christmas Truck Parade
Cliff dive at Thetis Lake
Visit Doris on the 17th fairway at the Victoria Golf Club on an April night
Buy some trinkets at Fan Tan Alley
Eat peanuts and drink beer at Big Bad John's
Traverse the Cadborosaurus at Gyro Park
Climb up Mt. Finlayson
Grab some sushi at Fujiya and eat it on top of Mt. Tolmie
Eat a tacone at Red Fish Blue Fish
Watch the fireworks on a Saturday night at Butchart Gardens
Stargaze at Island View Beach
Go on a Pickle Pub Crawl
Buy art at the Moss St. Paint-In
Fly kites at clover point
Walk the Breakwater at Ogden Point
Visit the Woolly mammoth and gold mining exhibits Royal Victoria Museum
Walk through the Ross Bay Cemetery at night
Listen to music during Symphony Splash on BC Day
Go to a jazz show at Hermann's Jazz Club
Watch the Fireworks in the Inner Harbour on Canada Day
Have high tea at the Empress Hotel
Jump off the 10m diving board at Commonwealth Pool
Pitch and Putt at the Henderson Golf Course
Rent scooters from Cycle BC and ride along Dallas Road
Go to the Saanich Fair and buy a pig
Have a flight of beer at Spinnaker's brew pub
Catch a sunset on Canoe Club's Patio
Enjoy cheap craft pitchers at Swan's
Visit the market at Market Square in the summer
Attend the Summer Busker's festival in the Inner Harbour
Cast your rod off of Ogden Point
Climb the stairs off of King George Terrace
Watch the symphony at the Royal Macpherson Playhouse
Visit the Xmen Academy at Hatley Castle
Go for a refreshing dip in the summer at Sooke Potholes
Canoe or Kayak out to Jimmy Chicken Island from Willows Beach
Watch a local rugby match at Macdonald Park in James Bay
Visit the house boats at Fisherman's Wharf
Feed the ducks at King's Pond at Cedar Hill Golf Course
Visit the Public Market at the Hudson on a Wednesday
Have a Benny at Blue Fox
Eat some sushi at Sen Sushi
Bet on the horse races at the Tally Ho
Have some DimSum at the Jade Fountain
Enjoy bottomless soup for lunch at Paggliacci's
Eat Buck a Shuck oysters at the Oyster Bar
Grab a soft serve ice cream from the Beacon Drive In
Navigate the corn maze at Galey Farms
Pick up a pumpkin at Mitchell Farms
Swim a lap of Durrance Lake
Make a wish at the Legislature fountain
Have a cocktail at Little Jumbo
Sample from the endless taps at Garrick's Head
Dance yourself into a sweaty mess at Lucky Bar
Bite into a thin crust, wood fired pizza at Pizzeria Primastrada
Have some nachos at the Moon Under Water Brewery
Drink beer and listen to music at the Phillip's Backyarder
Watch a Harbour Cats game at Royal Athletic Park
Attend Greek Fest at Commonwealth Place
Go scuba diving off Ogden Point
Look for the JPod with a whale watching tour
Watch a movie at the Cameron Bandshell at Beacon Hill Park
Watch the Bastion Square Grand Prix
Go to trivia night at Fernwood Inn
Grab a tapa and shaft at the Tapa Bar on Trounce Alley
Have Sunday Brunch at the Oak Bay Marina
Attend Rifflandia
Visit the Lieutenant General's House
Do some beachcombing at Witty's Lagoon
Watch a Victoria Royals game at the Save on Foods Centre
Grab a coffee at Habit on Pandora
Watch the Dragon Boat Festival in the Inner Harbour
Take the Coho to Port Angeles
Drop a crab trap off of Cattle Point
Go salmon fishing off of 10mile point
Rent a Paddle Board in the Inner Harbour
Watch a comedy show at Heckler's
Play some slots at the Casino View Royal
Go skating at the Empress Hotel
Ride the ferris wheel at Centennial Squar
Watch the antique car show at Fort Rodd Hill
Jump in on a softball game at Lansdowne Middle School
Ride the tea cups at the Oak Bay Tea Party
Have a fritter and a coffee at Discovery Coffee
Watch MonkeyWrench at Darcy's Night Club
Grab some produce at the Root Cellar
Go to a bookstore in Sidney
Buy some cheap reads at Russell Books
Have some fries at the Kiwanis Tea Room at Willows Beach
Eat some deep fried cheesecake at the Flying Otter
Go to wings night at Christie's Pub
Go for a late night swim at the Oak Bay Rec Centre
Buy some bacon at the Red Barn Market
Go to Goldstream Park for the Salmon Run
Go skimboarding at Gonzales Beach
Go curling at the Victoria Curling Club
Throw strikes at Langford Lanes
Get a milkshake and Galley dog from the Willows Galley
Cross the train trestle at Goldstream Park
Eat sandwiches from Red Barn Market
Rent bikes and ride along the Dallas Road
Catch a sunset on dallas (take a couple beers on a summer night)
watch a cricket game a beacon hill park